"Canine Guardians Assistance Dogs is the organization who gave me Freedom! He's the greatest thing that's ever happened it me! They've helped one of my best friends to also get a service dog. Their work is transformative and life changing. Times are tough, but if you can afford it, I will feel loved and blessed by your contributions! "
“My dog, ’Hero’ always being a ‘SuperHero’ dog everyday as he is always wanting to serve.”
(Hero’s holding the red bone)
“This sweet girl did it again. She was persistent and wouldn’t let me relax tonight until I took my meds an hour early. After I took them, she crawled in my lap and went to sleep. Only then did I start to feel the tingling in my head. Good girl Miss Abby ❤️🤗🐕🦺”
“I need to honor my service dog Freedom.
Without him, I probably would have given up at several points on this journey. An organization out of Napa, CA called Canine Guardians gave him to me in the summer of 2017 to help me with obvious symptoms of PTSD. Plenty of therapy, support from friends and family, an intensive in-patient treatment program, and the love of my dog have made my anxiety manageable. I no longer experience nightmares, and I am only rarely triggered by the crazy shit life throws at me. Every day on my commute to school (before the pandemic), Freedom endured Chicago’s buses, trains, and overly salted streets. He stood by me in the rain, in the snow, and in the extreme heat of the summer.
He was a silent (except when he heard a doorbell in a movie), flawless, perfectly behaved, joy to all in my classes. His need for regular love and routine kept and keeps me grounded in every sense of the word.
Thanks Freedom. Thank you for hating planes and long car rides. Thank you for teaching me how to love and how to be loved. You are the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”
Dear Canine Guardians: I cannot fully express my gratitude for my service dog and what he has meant to me these last few months. Every day I am newly surprised by the depth of love I’ve grown to feel for him. I keep expecting it to plateau, but it only grows stronger. A couple of minutes snuggling in his fur are a reset for my emotions. He sleeps next to me in my bed and I have never slept so peacefully. It’s not touch and go, I always sleep well. This is huge for me. He wakes me up every morning at 6:30. I haven’t used an alarm in months. His joy upon seeing that I too am awake is instantly infectious and I never have a hard time getting out of bed. Taking care of my boy is easier than I could have imagined. You see, he gives me far more than I can possibly give him. Thank you so much for making this life-changing experience possible. My deepest thanks, A Grateful Veteran
“My dog, Hero is a true and daily ‘Wingman’ for me. While driving Hero lays his head on my shoulder, which reminds me of my service buddies putting their hands on his shoulder to let me know they had my back. When I forget to wear my C-Pac at night when my sleep apnea is bad and I stop breathing he wakes me up and gets me going again. He has my back…always”
“The Patriot is a wonderful dog and the best companion one could have. Jennifer and I are over the moon. He has helped me navigate airports and airplanes and feel far more comfortable in a crowd.”
“The children at the detention center are better behaved and less likely to argue or fight. Major has brought a sense of calm and joy to this place”
“Dolly’s 1st night with me at the Veterans’ home could not have gone better. She was wonderful and did everything I asked and really makes me feel loved.”
"In the 2 years that I have had my dog, my anger has been mostly suppressed, my mind is clear and I am the happiest when he is with me (don't tell my wife.)
Canine Guardians Assistance Dogs
Canine Guardians Assistance Dogs PO BOX 5313 Napa, CA 94581 US
TAX ID 38-3917740 EMAIL info@canineguardians.org
Every Tuesday is FINKO (bingo) Night at The Fink!
Join Canine Guardians Assistance Dogs for the fun of classic bingo in the grand style and excitement of The Fink. 100% of the game proceeds will benefit our organization! $10 for 10 games.
Fantastic prizes!
Distinct Drinks!
Fabulous Food!
Doors open at 4:00pm. Games start at 6:00pm. Get there 15-30 minutes early to get a seat!
Can't wait to see you!