Puppy Parents are a vital part of our team. We need them to get our dogs to the point where they are expertly trained and socialized and ready to begin final intense training to serve the specific needs of their new owner. When our pups are 10-12 weeks old, they are placed with their Puppy Parent for between 1-1.5 years (depending on the individual dog and what his/her final career will be) for socialization and basic obedience training. A “typical” Puppy Parent loves animals and is willing to make a time and financial commitment that has a beautiful payoff - being an essential part of the process of training a dog to be not only a dog who loves to serve, but who will be a loyal, ever-present and trusted companion. When the dog is 2+ years old and ready to “move on”, he will graduate to our advanced training where he will receive his final specialized instruction and guidance. Next, he is matched with his new owner and our trainers go through intensive education, training and testing to prepare him and his new owner for success. Our puppy parents will be able to meet the pup’s new owner and present the dog to them at graduation. Seeing the love and bond that forms with the recipient is heartwarming and wonderful and makes you know that you have truly made a difference in their lives.
Here are the responsibilities and duties of our Puppy Parents:
If this sounds like something you would be interested in doing, please email us at info@canineguardians.org . Put Puppy Parent Application in the Subject. We will email you the form. Then, please fill it out and scan/email it back or mail it back. You will be contacted within 36 hours for an interview and a home visit. There is also a Puppy Parent Agreement to sign.
Canine Guardians Assistance Dogs
Canine Guardians Assistance Dogs PO BOX 5313 Napa, CA 94581 US
TAX ID 38-3917740 EMAIL info@canineguardians.org
Every Tuesday is FINKO (bingo) Night at The Fink!
Join Canine Guardians Assistance Dogs for the fun of classic bingo in the grand style and excitement of The Fink. 100% of the game proceeds will benefit our organization! $10 for 10 games.
Fantastic prizes!
Distinct Drinks!
Fabulous Food!
Doors open at 4:00pm. Games start at 6:00pm. Get there 15-30 minutes early to get a seat!
Can't wait to see you!